Wednesday, November 7, 2007


IRIDOLOGY education, books, DVD's, Master Iridologist study, photography, equipment, consultations, etc are provided by : School of Natural Medicine, Perlis.

Iridology is the study of the colors, patterns and structures found in the iris of the eye in relationship to the individual in their life continuum.

Body: constitutional markings reveal strengths and weaknesses, current levels of toxicity and inflammation, improvements during natural treatment, how the individual moves toward illness and aging, how stress, shock, life events and habits influence and weaken the constitutional inheritance and how it informs the iridologist to guide effective natural healing programs.

Mind: individual iris markings and the constitution reveal how each person receives, responds and reacts to the flow or inhibition of giving and receiving in intimate and social interaction, tendency toward introversion and extroversion, and the ability to deal with stress and shock.

Spirit: karmic and destiny patterns are revealed which prepare and offer support to life's challenges, traumas and wounds. The iris has thousands of nerve endings that are connected through impulses to every tissue of the body through the hypothalamus in the brain and the nervous system.

An iridologist observes the patterns found in the eyes, explains corresponding body associations, educates the individual and guides natural therapies. The iris alerts us to potential early signs of imbalance and weakness in our body/mind/spirit as well as informs us of our strengths. Clients are guided to make changes in their lives that create positive results. This remarkable communication system in the iris gives a clear and complete picture of overall health potential and provides the practitioner with the information to educate and guide health and healing programs.

TRANSFORMATIONAL IRIDOLOGY (TI) RESEARCHERS has created an approach to Iridology over the past twenty-five years that has been presented at Iridology conferences and seminars in England, USA, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand and Iceland and forms the basis of the Master Iridology programs at the School of Natural Medicine.

TI is the union of body/mind/spirit Iridology with individually attuned primal cosmic expansion and contraction rhythms that profoundly influence our constitution and inner ecology and move us forward in our personal evolution. These cosmic rhythms form the karmic iris print, the individual microcosm reflecting the macrocosmic universe.

TI enables the practitioner to compassionately and kinesthetically understand the client’s way of processing life, share valuable information and offer practical suggestions to move beyond limitation in conscious wholeness. The client is inspired to strengthen weaknesses and make the most of their strengths with natural therapies and healthy life habits. This offers profound support for self-healing and personal evolution.

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