Wednesday, November 7, 2007


The traditional world of healing (naturopathic) is developing a healthy partnership with many areas of allopathic medicine (Western). One such area is the study of the role the human psyche plays in healing.
After being trained in complementary medicine, Drs. Reilly and Taylor have said, "I now see the whole person and not a biochemical puzzle to be solved" (Reilly, p.1). Ibn Sina (Avicenna), the Muslim philosopher and physician, made the same proclamation over a thousand years ago when he stated that the body of man is intricately related to the human soul. "The body and soul form one complete whole - one single being" (Nasr, p.252). These theories seem to ring true because, as we know, we cannot begin to know Allah (SWT) until we truly know ourselves.
Alternative medicine is often called "energy medicine" because of the emphasis it places on the human psyche. Energy medicine involves the concept of "vibrational healing" and is practiced by many cultures all over the world. It contributes to the development of bio-electromagnetic resonance. The clinical applications of energy medicine include psychobiological treatments, as well as therapy geared toward the prevention and management of acute and chronic illnesses, and can help lead to a fuller understanding of the interrelationships of the environment and nature on man (Korn, p.1).
Energy healing can involve spiritual healing or other mental healing exercises. Among the American population, 75% of studies show a positive association between spirituality and health including depression, substance abuse, and coping and recovery from illness and mortality (Anandarajah and Hight, p. 2).
Naturopathic forms of healing work with energy systems and use the body as a vehicle to eliminate and remove negative spiritual and physical toxins caused by emotional blockages, tension and general toxicity build-up.
"This area of psychological and spiritual intervention is essentially untapped," says Porter Storey, MD, Medical Director of Hospice at the Texas Medical Center. "It can dramatically improve a lot of parameters in patients much more effectively than expansive medications and it has essentially no bad side-effects" (Foubister, p. 1).
This argument is supported to some extent by Dr. Zelda Di Blasi who says, "In a healthcare consultation, doctors can offer social support to patients, give them a safe space to open up, discuss their problems and reassure them with a diagnosis or a treatment, thereby relaxing them and lowering anxiety... All of these ingredients have been linked with immune function."
Dr. Di Blasi is the author of a study in last month's Lancet which found that, "Doctors who showed empathy and acknowledged their patients fear and anxieties were more effective than those who kept patients at arm's length" (Rostler, p.1).
"The fear that we will turn medicine into nothing but a business is going to fuel ongoing interest in addressing the humanistic dimensions of care, of which forgiveness is one," says Stephen P. Bogdewic, Vice Chair of Family Medicine and Assistant Dean for Primary Care Education at Indiana University School of Medicine (Foubister, p. 3).
So at a time when we are losing the wealth that Allah (SWT) has blessed us with, more people are waking up to what has been revealed in the past. Dr. Howard Frumkin, professor of occupational and environmental medicine at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta, states, "The plantation of trees or any vegetation anywhere, is the first step towards empathy in the environment. Their therapeutic qualities have been known for a long time to reduce stress. In addition, they clean the air of toxins and create visual and nasal qualities that have an impact on our sensibilities like balm to the soul." All forms of vibrational or energy healing seek to unify the conscious and the subconscious, and the lower self and the higher selves with Allah (SWT).
By bringing our bodies into balance physically, physio and socio-biologically, and psycho-spiritually, we realize who we truly are and we are better able to understand the Divine Will of Allah (SWT).

Anandarajah, Gowr & Hight, Ellen. "Spirituality and Medicine Practice." American Academy of Family Physicians (2001).
Foubister, Vida. "Broadening the Role of Forgiveness In Medicine. AMNews. (Aug. 2000).
Korn, Leslie. " Energy Medicine ". Center for World Indigenous Studies (2001).
Lyman, Francesca. "
Nature's Medicine ".
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. Islamic Cosmological Doctrines. Britain: Thames & Hudson. 1978.
Reilly, David. "Enhancing Human Healing". British Medical Journal. (Jan 2001).
Rostler, Suzanne. "Empathy, Warmth Can Be Potent Medicine." Reuters Health.




Malaysian Bomoh Practitioners a Dying Breed
By Sohieb Jasem

Malaysian BomohTraditional healing in Malaysia is not limited to utilizing therapeutic, physical means or to prescribing a dose of medicine or herbs; it is a holistic approach that caters for the spiritual and psychological needs of patients, together with all other modes of treatment.
Regarded as one of the Asian modalities of treatment known in the West as "alternative medicine," the traditional healing system that the people of the Malaysian Peninsula (Western Malaysia) had inherited from their forefathers, later spread to parts of Eastern Malaysia.
A folk medicine practitioner in Malaysia is called a bomoh, dukun, or pawang according to the period a student spends studying. The studies undertaken, which equip practitioners to prescribe proper medication to patients, cover the philosophy of life; therapeutic usages of herbs, metals, and animals parts; and the relation between the above disciplines and human beings and their lives. Folk medicine practitioners, especially the elders who are called touks, are treated with great respect, particularly in rural societies.
Knowledge of traditional healing is usually passed on from one member of the family to another, allowing them to practise folk medicine as a career or as a secondary occupation. The healer usually chooses a younger family member he deems most suitable to pass his knowledge to. The youngest of the family, however, does not attempt to seek such knowledge unless the family is afflicted with a calamity that forces him to do so.
Bomohs start their education by studying the sciences of the Shariah (Islamic law), including jurisprudence, monotheism, and Sufism, which are necessary for the bomohs not only to practice but also to get the recognition of the Muslim communities in which they live; especially with the prevalence of Islamic awakening, these communities will not recognize bomohs who have no knowledge of medical-related Shariah injunctions, without which bomohs are bound to get entangled in superstition and trickery.
To qualify as a bomoh, a student must study at the hands of teachers, who are scattered throughout the country (some bomohs study under as many as 21 teachers). In his pursuit of knowledge, a student is required to travel to distant villages or even provinces, especially when he wishes to study under a renowned bomoh teacher who is steeped in traditional medicine and endowed with extensive knowledge of the Shariah. Some teachers may be knowledgeable of the usages of some 4,000 extracts from herbs, animals, metals, and liquids.
Aspects of Treatment

The old and the new hand-in-hand in Malaysia.
Traditional Malaysian medicine is inspired and guided by Islamic teachings. Bomohs, as well as their patients, believe in the comprehensiveness of these teachings and in the cure and protection (from disease and harm) that the Quran and the Sunnah (the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)) provide. Using therapeutic means that are halal (lawful) and tahir (pure) is essential to maintaining good health; therefore, bomohs must not expose their patients to any unlawful or impure remedies. There are three main aspects of treatment:
1) Spiritual therapy for the treatment of spiritual and psychological conditions, including obsession, panic, depression, insomnia, and magic spells. Bomohs, who adhere to a professional code of ethics, use ruqia (Quranic recitation over the patient) and prayers reported in authentic sources. Malaysians' belief in the effectiveness of these methods facilitates their healing. Bomohs also use lemon extract, as well as water obtained from the well of zamzam, rain that falls on Thursday nights, or local boreholes (boreholes are scarce, as rain and river water are Malaysia's main sources of water supply).
2) Massage therapy is widely practised in South- and North-Eastern Asia, where each region has its own distinct methods, balms, and instruments. A Malaysian massage can be (a) a whole-body massage, which many men and women practise in their homes, shops (including barbershops and hairdressing salons) and specialized clinics; (b) the massage of a particular part of the body, such as the head, neck, or spine; (c) a massage for the treatment of a specific ailment or condition, such as infertility, weakness of men's sexual performance or impotency, where massage helps restore blood circulation.
3) Herbs used are numerous and available in many forms: liquids, oils, balms, pills, tablets, powders, and leaves (boiled like tea leaves). Herbal remedies function differently from modern medicines manufactured according to western methods. In principle, herbal remedies work to restore the natural balance to body organs and systems. This can be achieved by cleansing blood from harmful elements, improving blood circulation, improving the digestion and assimilation of food, treating swellings and tumours, relieving pain and discomfort, balancing body secretions, and improving the appetite.
While some herbal remedies are available on the market and ready for consumption, others are homemade; anyone with general knowledge of traditional medicine can prepare a few simple blends or medicinal solutions whose formulas are well known. Because of the trust patients place in their practitioner, they prefer getting their medication from him rather than buying it because he prepares it himself, sometimes in their presence.
The Malaysian herbal industry has grown in the Modern Age with the introduction of home-based and small commercial factories, as well as factories owned by big companies, which prepare medicines using cutting-edge technologies throughout the process, which includes the mixing, grinding or squeezing, and packaging of herbs. Some of these companies are renowned for using quality control methods and for testing their products before obtaining a permit from the Ministry of Health to market them.
On the other hand, some companies manufacture and sell their products without obtaining the Ministry's permission. These products can be effective, ineffective, or even harmful when manufacturers use unethical practices-similar to those that exist in the modern medicine industry. Since there are remedies that cater for specific target markets such as single or married women, many manufacturers, driven by greed, use unethical practices to produce these remedies and promote them among city dwellers.
Obstacles and Challenges

Traditional medicine in Malaysia is centuries old.
Traditional medicine and its survival as a healing system that has proven its effectiveness throughout the centuries, are faced with obstacles, such as the unavailability of a directory listing all bomohs throughout Malaysia and the lack of a written collection of the vast medical information and expertise that are transmitted verbally. Because bomohs don't usually commit their knowledge to paper, a great deal of information is lost when an experienced bomoh dies. When a bomoh attempts to publish his recorded reservoir of knowledge, he usually grapples to get the support he needs. Many bomohs prefer not to divulge the secrets of the medicines they prescribe for fear that others may produce them or that these medicines might be misused, which could cause other health problems.
More often than not, when an effective medicine is discovered by a bomoh, it does not get registered as most bomohs live in rural areas and small towns. Thus, the newly discovered medicine does not reach a wider market that could provide for maximum commercial benefits. The association concerned with traditional healing, which was established in 1979, has not been active in providing professional development training for practitioners.
There is an enormous amount of information circulating amongst bomohs, but no comprehensive collection of the herbs and remedies used by practitioners has ever been published. Such a publication would certainly benefit researchers, students, and practitioners themselves, some of whom do not know about the experiences of others who are situated far from them. Given the multitude of products on the market and the similarities among the ailments for which these products are prescribed, it is very difficult for consumers to compare products and select the right one without the aid of a reference book, which could be published periodically or annually.
What concerns those who favour folk medicine the most is that many bomohs are advanced in age and have not recorded their expertise. Some of them rely on old books that contain a massive body of information but have not been reprinted or revised. Also of concern is the absence of a learning institute that could impart this knowledge to students in a methodical and professional manner, and graduate competent practitioners. The establishment of such an institute could be shouldered by a specialized educational institution, which would serve the community through promoting traditional healing, facilitating the bomohs' work, and ensuring the safety of patients by regulating the medicines available on the market.



The Sustainable Herbalist

The Sustainable Herbalist; The Sustainable Life By Candis Cantin Packard

Currently, we are seeing herbal medicine reaching out to many people in our society. There are increased numbers of herbal students, practitioners, and schools engaged in learning and promoting the use of herbal medicine. All this appears to reflect a booming state of herbal medicine, but if we really respect our tradition as a living organism it becomes evident that the original vitality of the system is expiring. The deeper layers of its pulse is becoming weak.
The folkloric texture of herbal medicine is being expunged from the memory and in its stead is an allopathic model and its various offshoots. If we do not pay heed to the signs which are showing we may become thoroughly entrapped in the spiritless mechanistic view of herbs and will be forced to concede to the standardized, packaged approach to learning, applying and relating to herbal healing. If this type of entrapment continues then we will find ourselves under the control of state agencies, insurance companies and corporate made standardized products.
Due to the market driven priorities we are seeing more advertisements expounding the virtues of an herb, pigeon holing it into a fixed category and removing it from its deeper roots and meaning. The information promoted by the corporate interests on herbs is being given to us in fragmented form - chemically as well as therapeutically. This is being done to promote the idea of herbs being a profitable commodity. Remember, little money can be made when we address diet and lifestyle as probable causes for an ailment.
It is our contention that for herbalism to survive such an onslaught of abuse by corporate interests, we have to acknowledge and live a reality that integrates Heaven and Earth, a vertical reality that has its roots in the earth and inspiration in heaven. The herbs, food, our shelter, our relations and those things visible and invisible which help sustain life as part of a continuing circle must be seen as an integrated whole - each aspect engendering and supporting one another in an ongoing dance
Seeing the whole of life as an integrated web is a neglected aspect in our current modern paradigm. We have noticed also that many herbal colleagues are becoming apologists and feeling that they must eliminate from certifying exams any reference to plants spirits, ceremony and meditations with plants because it will not be seen as valid by the current medical/ legislative model.
Another example is our tendency to categorize and break down our knowledge of herbs into minute chemical constituents, which is in fact a particularly Western mind thing to do. Yet this type of thinking is what the Buddhist term avidya; ignorance or “basic unconsciousness” as a result of which it appears that the universe is a collection of separate things and events, divided into measurements, classes and parts. A Buddha or “awakened one” is precisely the person who has overcome this unconsciousness and is no more mesmerized by the vision of separateness. In other words, one may see parts of nature and one may even learn the chemical constituents of plants but one is not to ignore its relation to the Whole.
If we look to ancient Greek medicine we can see how healing was approached by some of the great philosophers and healers of that time. In one of Plato’s dialogues a young man named Charmides complains about a headache. He would like a certain drug; but Socrates explains to him at length that this simple treatment is not adequate. “ To treat the head by itself, apart from the body as a whole,” he says, “ is utter folly.” A Thracian physician had once described the ideal approach to him.

You ought not to attempt to cure eyes Without head, Or head without body, So you should not treat body without soul.



The most underreported crime of the century. by Thomas Smith

The Journal of the American Medical Association recently reported that as many as 106,000 deaths occur annually in US hospitals due to adverse reactions to prescription drugs that are properly prescribed by physicians that use them as directed by the drug companies.
Even worse, the National Council for Patient Information and Education reported that an additional 125,000 deaths occur annually due to adverse reactions to drugs that the physician never should have prescribed. In these deaths the doctor did not follow the instructions on proper administration of the drugs. For example, Glucophage, a diabetic oral hypoglycemic, should never be prescribed for patients with Kidney disease or Congestive Heart Failure because it can cause fatal Lactic Acidosis in these patients. A warning label is prominently placed on the medication container to warn of this potential misuse.
However, JAMA reported that almost 1/4 of the patients who had been prescribed Glucophage had Kidney damage or Congestive Heart failure or both. The annual death toll from synthetic prescription drugs, both from the correctly prescribed and the incorrectly prescribed, amounts to about 231,000 deaths every year. To put this into perspective, this is the equivalent of a world trade center disaster every week for over a year and a half or the crash of two fully loaded 747 aircraft every day of the year.
No information was reported on the number of outpatient and doctor's office deaths caused by these very same drugs when prescribed by these very same doctors. The reported figures alone, however, make drug deaths caused by physicians the third leading cause of death in the US. It is far ahead of accidents, drunk driving, homicides, airline accidents, as well as all other disease with the sole exceptions of cancer and heart disease.
Many of these drugs responsible for the death statistics cited are diabetic drugs. None of these drugs cure or even were intended to cure diabetes. During the time a patient is on the drugs his body is suffering great damage due to the uncontrolled progress of the disease. This is in addition to the risk and damage caused by the drug itself. (more info: natural diabetes treatments)
According to Dr. Mendelsohn, author of "Confessions of a Medical Heretic", 2.4 million unnecessary operations are performed every year and they cost over 12,000 lives. When the records of six New York hospitals were examined it was found that 43% of the Hysterectomies that were performed were medically unnecessary. No one should ever submit to any surgical procedure without first obtaining several unrelated medical opinions, at least not here in the United States. Women are particularly vulnerable to this type of victimization.
Disease in America According to the World Health Report 2000 the United States ranks twelfth, that is second from the bottom, in their thirteen country survey of sixteen available health indicators. We are dead last for low birth weight and neonatal and infant mortality. We rank between ninth and twelfth for all life expectancy categories between one year and 40 years. Another study ranked the United States as fifteenth in the twenty-five industrialized countries studied.
Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Hyperinsulinemia are so widespread in the United States that it is estimated that over half the population exhibits one or more symptoms of these life destroying diseases. Symptoms of Adult onset diabetes are now being routinely noted in six year old children. Obesity and it's related Endocrine dysfunction are commonly observed in teenagers. Heart Failure, a symptom of advanced Type II Diabetes, remains in the top three killer diseases in the Westernized countries.
Although the cause and cure for Type II Diabetes and related endocrine failure has been increasingly well understood in the scientific community for the last forty years, this disease is not being cured by todays orthodox treatment regimens. In order to find a cure it is necessary to seek alternative medical approaches to this disease.
Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning Us All into Patients situations formerly perceived as mild problems are becoming redefined as serious illnesses requiring drugs - courtesy of drug companies seeking to expand their markets. Conflicts of interest abound in the process - expert physicians serving to set treatment protocols or approve drug use are often on the payroll of the very drug companies they are supposed to regulate; similarly, "support groups" for those with various maladies are often partly funded by drug companies seeking endorsements. Another strategm is to utilize scary statistics - eg. "33% decrease," instead of lowers risk from 3% to 2%. Partly as a result, U.S. dollars spent on drugs have increased 100% in the past six years. The bad news is that often these drugs aren't needed and may even harm patients.
Some of the economics of Medicine A large part of this medical disaster that the United States currently experiences is due to the way our medical community is organized. Basically it is not organized to heal and to cure disease; the medical community, particularly at its upper levels, is a commercial venture organized to make money for its practitioners.
Although the record of the United States Medical community in the cure of disease is deplorable, the same cannot be said for its ability to produce income and profit. For example, for the top fifteen pharmaceutical companies, including such names as Abbot, Wyeth, Hoffman-La Roche, Merck and others, the second quarter revenue for 2002 was reported as $63,520.6 million and the corresponding reported income was 11,731.8 million respectively. This is second only to the defense industry in the United States.
In 1997, the latest year for which we have the figures, the earnings of physicians were reported by Broad as averaging around $200,000 per year. The lowest reporting specialty, Rheumatology reported $158,500 and the highest, cardiovascular surgeon, reported $363,300. When examining the numbers, we noted that the high salaries seemed to be concentrated in members of the AMA. Those belonging to less powerful trade unions did not fare nearly so well even though they did most of the actual patient care work. For example, the median staff salary of registered nurses was $35,256
The Cardiac surgeon, for example, does nothing whatsoever to cure cardiac disease. Three to five percent of the heart surgery patients die on the operating table. Cardiac surgery provides no better three year survival rate than no treatment at all. A Harvard survival study of 200,000 patients revealed that the long term survival rate of patients subjected to surgery was no better than the survival rate of those that had no surgery.
Of course, your cardiac surgeon will not tell you this when you need to make a decision on whether or not to elect cardiac surgery. Never in history have so many accumulated so much wealth for providing their customers or clients or patients with so little real benefit.
Exceptions to the rule Many doctors of integrity are as much victims of the system as are their patients. Todays doctor is not free to treat disease as his conscience dictates. He is forced to administer approved protocols whether they are known to work or not. To deviate from these approved protocols invites law suits, peer criticism and censure from State medical licensing boards.
This writer knows of two local doctors who tried to buck the establishment and really help their patients. Both lost their license to practice medicine. One is currently working as an administrator in a California hospital and the other has started a nutritional clinic.
Takeover of the American medical Association This sad state of affairs is directly traceable to the takeover of the American Medical Association by the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations in the early part of the twentieth century.
At the turn of the century the medical community was in a sad state of disrepair. There were no qualifications to become a doctor. If one wanted to be a doctor it was only necessary to hang out a shingle and start the practice of medicine. Medical schools were poorly financed, often taught contradictory medical philosophies and had little impact on the practice of medicine. In 1910 the American Medical Association, todays AMA, was on the verge of bankruptcy. Few doctors belonged to it and even fewer paid any attention to it. Quackery of all kinds was rampant. The market was flooded with fake cancer cures and 80 proof liver tonic.
It was in this environment that Rockefeller and Carnegie moved in and bought the AMA and then used it to take control of the entire United States medical establishment. In 1910, Henry Prichard president of the Carnegie foundation, bought control of the AMA for the sum of $10,000. He then financed the publication of the Flexner report, as it was then called, to gain popular support for the changes that were to be made in the medical community. With public backing secured by the publication of the Flexner report, Carnegie and Rockefeller commenced a major upgrade in medical education by financing only those medical schools that taught what they wanted taught. Predictably, those schools that had the financing churned out the better doctors.
In return for the financing, the schools were required to teach course material that was exclusively drug oriented. That is why today our doctors are so heavily biased toward synthetic drug therapy and know little or nothing about nutrition.
Dr. David Edsall, former dean of Harvard medical school, said "I was, for a period, a professor of Therapeutics and Pharmacology, [at Harvard] and I knew from experience that students were obliged then by me and by others to learn about an interminable number of drugs, many of which were valueless, many of them useless, some probably even harmful...."
For a time, these changes actually improved the practice of medicine in the United States. Then, as the distorted medical curriculum began to churn out doctors whose only concern was prescribing synthetic drugs, things began to deteriorate into what we see today.
Today the average medical doctor receives 3 hours or less training on nutrition despite the fact that our bodies are constructed entirely of what we eat and drink. Todays doctor receives much of his ongoing education from detail men. The detail man is the drug company salesman whose job it is to teach the doctor how to use the latest drugs.
Treatment instead of cure Even with all of this history the medical doctor retained a great deal of his autonomy through the 1930’s and into the late 1940’s. In 1949 another major change took place in the medical community that set the stage for the disaster we see today. It was in 1949 that the medical community reorganized itself into the competing medical specialty groups we see today. Prior to 1949 a doctor was a doctor; he dealt with all disease and injury. After 1949 this was not so.
The reorganization established many of the specialties that we know today. It was then that the Cardiac Specialist, the Endocrinologist, the Hepatic and Biliary Specialist and many other professional specialty groups were formed. The symptoms of the then raging epidemic of Type II Diabetes were divided among the specialty groups so that each group had their own set of proprietary symptoms.
The story given out for the reorganization was that it would help to focus more attention on the then current Diabetes epidemic. However, in practice it caused the entire medical community to treat their own proprietary symptom set and nobody focused on curing the disease anymore. This was the origin of the "treat the symptom" and "ignore the cause" philosophy that now dominates the entire medical community.
This was the turning point event that led to the removal of the word "cure" from the medical vocabulary. Today, if you mention the "c" word around your doctor he will usually glaze over and pretend not to hear you. He only responds to the word "treatment".
Under the Rockefeller and Carnegie influence their pharmaceutical firms started to pour out the vast array of synthetic drugs that the doctors trained to their medical school standards now prescribed almost to the exclusion of any other remedies. Among the first drugs to be marketed this way were the oral hypoglycemic agents. They were deliberately designed to treat the symptom while not curing the disease. Insurance fraud.
Since the name of the medical game was money, a means had to be devised to provide the patient with money that could only be used to pay for approved medical treatment. Enter the insurance company concept. Today employees have, as an important part of their remuneration for their work, a health insurance policy. This health insurance policy does not pay for all health related needs; it only pays for those health related services that are approved. These, of course, are the synthetic drug therapies that are known to work poorly, if at all.
In order to secure effective medical treatment from the alternative sector of the economy the patient must pay for it himself; insurance companies specifically exclude virtually all alternative treatment. One wonders why so many continue to pay for an insurance program that cannot, even in principle, be of any real benefit to them.
Government coercion in medical practice In the ordinary course of events, good medicine would eventually drive out bad medicine. As more and more people discover ways to maintain and improve their health, without drug therapy, they will simply abandon bad medicine and resort to alternative therapies.
Indeed, this is happening. Also happening is a concerted government effort to discredit and declare unlawful those effective therapies that represent the greatest threat to orthodox medicine. In the last fifty years many effective cures have been developed for many of the major killer diseases that we have. In each instance the developer has been branded a quack, his business has been ruined and in some cases he has been sent to jail.
Even with outright governmental attacks on those that would promote effective therapies in America, the tide is turning. More and more Americans are waking up to the reality of our medical community. More and more they are finding it to be a fraud and they are turning to less conventional treatments and modalities. Informed Americans that require effective medical treatment for anything more serious than a head cold are turning away from orthodox drug quackery in droves. The medical community is trying hard to make it illegal to refuse their treatment. A major effort is currently underway (Codex) to severely restrict the availability of nutritional supplements to those that use them throughout the world. Our government is seriously considering mandatory vaccination programs.
Many believe that our Food and Drug Administration, FDA, represents the American people and that the FDA acts to insure that our food and drugs are safe and effective. Nothing could be further from the truth. The FDA acts entirely to restrain and manage competition between and among those that manufacture our food and drugs. They do this only for the purpose of minimizing competition in business. Rockefeller is famous for proclaiming the only sin is competition.
Willy Ley, a former head of the FDA, said it best when he said "What the Food and Drug Administration does and what the public thinks that it does are a different as night and day". Today in America the practice of medicine is not free. It is one of the most tightly controlled commercial enterprises in the world. That is why it produces such extraordinary income for it's favored and such misery, disease and death for its victims.
What to do Given the growth of the medical monster that ate the United States, what can we who live here do to effectively manage our own health.
Perhaps the single most important thing that we all must do is to recognize that our health is our most important possession. We have no choice but to accept total responsibility for our own health. To leave such an important consideration to someone who clearly has much to gain by lying to us just does not make sense. Typically, we buy our cars and houses with a great deal more wisdom than we bring to the doctor's office when we go there.
The modern orthodox medical community treats symptoms; they do not cure disease. When you visit the doctor, it is perfectly in order for you to ask bluntly whether or not the treatment he wants to give you will cure the disease you have.
Some years ago, when I had a serious case of Type II Diabetes, I asked my doctor that question about the treatment he offered me. First he pretended he did not hear me. When I persisted and made eye contact and repeated the question he replied "this is the prescribed treatment". Such an evasive answer to such a direct question sent me to the library where I did the research to get a better answer. I quickly discovered that the drug he offered me would not only not cure the disease, but that it was guaranteed to put me on the road to becoming an invalid long before my time.
Fortunately I rejected his treatment. I went on to search the scientific literature where I quickly found what I needed. It had nothing to do with synthetic drugs. It took me about 3 1/2 months to fully reverse my diabetes. That was seven years ago. The disease remains in full remission to this day. natural diabetes treatments
There is one important caveat that must be mentioned at this point. If you are currently under a doctors care and are dissatisfied with the results you are getting, do not just stop taking the prescribed medication. Get your doctor, or another doctor if yours will not cooperate, to help wean you off prescription drugs and to help you to devise a workable alternative therapy. Many of these synthetic drugs will produce serious side effects if they are abruptly discontinued. When I had the problem I had not yet taken prescription medication.
After accepting full responsibility for your own health, the second most important consideration is to do your homework and learn about the disease or disability that you have. Buy books, attend seminars, subscribe to newsletters, search the internet, learn about what it takes to actually reverse the disease that afflicts you. Investigate alternative medical practitioners. Many Naturopaths and Chiropractors can be of great help in actually curing disease. Do not fall for the idea that only doctors are smart enough to understand these things . Look for that unusual doctor that will risk really trying to help you; and, realize that he is taking a substantial risk when he does so. In other words, do the best you can to find something better for yourself than what your doctor offers. Help each other. If you discover something important, don’t be afraid to share the information. Be vocal when government organizations attempt to restrict or deny your access to natural nutritional supplements.
If you are fortunate to find a doctor with this kind of integrity, understand the importance of what you have found and give him all of the support that you can give. There is a medical doctor in California, we will call him Doctor Q, that refused to compromise his integrity in his practice of medicine. He ended up in jail, put there by his fellow doctors. His patients got together, got him out of jail and had a special bill passed in the State legislature to protect his practice of medicine. Today he still runs a flourishing practice where he ministers to patients from all over this country. He is actually curing disease not just treating it.
Third, after accepting responsibility for your own health and becoming informed, recognize that medicine is a business. Your doctor is a paid consultant just like your electrician or plumber and he is listed in the same yellow pages. You have every right to get the information for which you are paying. When your doctor retreats into arrogance and refuses to provide direct answers to direct questions, consider getting another doctor. There really are many safe and effective therapies that go far beyond drugs. However, we must demand them on the firing line, in the doctor's office, when we need them.
Loveland, CO 80537 Copyright 2002 by Thomas Smith (970) 669-9176 All rights reserved
Thomas Smith is a reluctant medical investigator having been forced into seeking a cure for his own Diabetes because it was obvious that his doctor didn’t have one. He has published the results of his successful Diabetes investigation in his best selling book entitled "Insulin: Our Silent Killer" written for the layman but also widely valued by the medical practitioner.
Thomas is also the author of The Oiling of America, Will the real quacks please stand up, and Gangsters In Medicine. The degenerative disease epidemic that wracks the nation came coincidentally with the introduction of engineered fats and oils. It is the type of fats and oils that we consume that is directly correlated to the rise of epidemic degenerative disease; it is not the amount of fats and oils that we eat that causes the problem. It is by chronically consuming the fats and oils that cause degenerative disease that we impair our ability to consume healthy fats and oils. We also impair our ability to consume carbohydrates and thus become Diabetic and Obese. Thomas has also posted a great deal of useful information about the cause and cure of this disease on his web page He can be reached by email. To order "Insulin: Our Silent Killer" call this toll free number 1 (866) 320 7700.
Scandal of scientists who take money for papers ghostwritten by drug companies Scientists are accepting large sums of money from drug companies to put their names to articles endorsing new medicines that they have not written - a growing practice that some fear is putting scientific integrity in jeopardy. The success of Prozac, the antidepressant which became a cult "happy" drug in the 1990s, substantially raised the stakes in psychiatry. Its promotion coincided with the decline of state funding for research, leaving scientists in all areas of medicine dependent on pharmaceutical companies to fund or commission their work. That in turn gave the industry unprecedented control over data and ended with research papers increasingly being drafted by company employees or commercial agencies. On The Take: How Medicine's Complicity with Big Business Can Endanger Your Health Jerome Kassirer M.D former editor-in-chief of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.
"Some physicians become known as whores." This is strong language in Kassirer's look at how big business is corrupting medicine—but according to Kassirer, one doctor's wife used the word "whore" to describe her husband's accepting high fees to promote medical products. Such personal anecdotes distinguish Kassirer's look at the conversion of America's health-care system into a commercial enterprise. Kassirer, former editor-in-chief of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, notes the range of conflicts of interest between profit-centered business and people-centered medicine, such as the drug industry's huge expenditures (in the billions) for courting doctors to use their products, for recruiting physicians to tout their drugs or, more slyly, to present seemingly objective medical discussions that, on closer examination, do favor the company's product over others.
Medisin is a fascinating and unique perspective of the unholy practices of allopathic medicine and the commercialization of devitalized and chemical based foods. With the compelling facts and informative text, this nearly 400 page volume covers a century of medical applications and the history of refined foods, from Pasteur's false "Germ Theory" to the hidden cause of obesity. Medisin is also comprised of factual information regarding the mis-education of the health-care institution and nutritional dogma perpetrated by commercial food corporations. The book features compelling topics like: "Why the religious faithful are not disease free?", "Vacinnes-The Lie of the Needle", "Why cancer is really not under control", "Splenda really isn't splendid", "Fluoride, how America really got brainwashed", and the Medisins behind Hormone Replacement and Hysterectomies." Simply put, Medisin seeks to give the masses a comprehensive understanding of medicine, disease and the divine principles of health.
The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It by Marcia Angell M.D, Former New England Journal of Medicine
A political tidal wave is building which will forever change both the industry and many of its infamous business practices. It is sad to note that the drug industry today is equally poorly regarded as the tobacco companies, and this is a testament not only to the shortsighted foolishness of their management, but also to the fact that you can fool some of the customer some of the time, but not all of them all the time.
Medical Journal Changes Policy of Finding Independent Doctors to Write - June 2002: The New England Journal of Medicine will announce that it has given up finding truly independent doctors to write and review articles and editorials for it, as a result of the financial ties physicians have with so many drug companies in the United States The Journal says the drug companies' reach is just too deep. In 2000, the drug industry sponsored more than 314,000 events for physicians — everything from luncheons to getaway weekends — at a cost of almost $2 billion. On top of that, many doctors accept speaking and consulting fees that link them to drug companies. Now, the Journal will allow these critical evaluations to be written by people with financial ties to drug companies. What Doctors Don't Tell You : The Truth About the Dangers of Modern Medicine by Lynne McTaggart Americans have become so accustomed to following doctors' orders that many prescriptions, medical tests, and surgical procedures are accepted without question. This blind faith can be dangerous! Modern medicine offers us a wide range of powerful treatments for ailments large and small. But did you know that some common "cures" come with serious, life-threatening risks, or may do nothing at all? This groundbreaking book, written by an investigative journalist, exposes questionable, harmful, often life-threatening medical practices which all consumers should be aware of, including treatments for asthma and arthritis, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and heart surgery.
THE MEDICAL MAFIA: How To Get Out of It Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.
The medical establishment works closely with the drug multinationals whose main objective is profits, and whose worst nightmare would be an epidemic of good health. Lots of drugs MUST be sold. In order to achieve this, anything goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks. Doctors are the principal salespeople of the drug companies. They are rewarded with research grants, gifts, and lavish perks. The principal buyers are the public - from infants to the elderly - who MUST be thoroughly medicated and any cost! Why do the authorities forbid alternative medicine? Because they are serving the industry, and the industry cannot make money with herbs, vitamins, and homeopathy. They cannot patent natural remedies. That is why they push synthetics. They control medicine, and that is why they are able to tell medical schools what they can and cannot teach. They have their own sets of laws, and they force people into them. That is a mafia. This sensational expose' also uncovers the truth behind vaccines, AIDS, cancer, the World Health Organization, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, and more.
This book is about so much more than the corruption among medicine, pharmaceuticals, government and "Health" Organizations like the WHO. It about regaining our health, our soveriegn right as individuals, our freedom, self respect and love for our fellow man. While the current and corrupt "Medical Mafia" poison, maim and kill millions no one is happy with it; patients or doctors, except those who profit from it; the "industry" which involves expensive testing, toxic drugs and sweeping global population control policies.
Ms Lanctot offers a solution and the good news is that it is in OUR hands. It involves claiming our right to make our own decisions about our health and that of our children and recognizing that same right in others, along with easy to follow suggestions about how to seek a responsible client/consultant relationship with a medical care practitioner.
Something fascinating, and I truly hope you read the book! Louis Pasteur "gave" the world our current concept of bacteria and viruses which lead to transmission of disease. Yet another unaclaimed scientist of the same time period as Mr Pasteur studied another possibility; that it is the disease which causes the virus or bacteria.
It may be hard at first to contemplate that what we have been told all our lives may be wrong and the disease-causes-germs paradigm should not be accepted as fact without intensive study into this possibility. Sadly the current drug and profit based research debilitates that possibility. And scientist and doctors who try to adopt an approach which threatens the current situation often end up suffering persecution from the "mafia"; forms which range from public ridicule, loss of research funding, suspension of medical licencing(just ask Ms Lanctot)and many more. Gaston Naessens has done further work on this theory; work on somatidian theory. A somatid is the smallest particle of living matter, precursor of DNA....a web search on any engine would verify this. Ms Lanctot says that our greatest illness is that of submission, fueled by fear and our fascination with security and protection which are only fantasies at best.
Disease-Mongers : How Doctors, Drug Companies, and Insurers Are Making You Feel Sick by Lynn Payer An expose+a7 of the health-care industry shows how doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and insurers profit from making healthy people think they are sick and reveals the growing influence of powerful lobbies representing the industry.



Medicinal Herb Garden:

Learn How to Grow, Harvest and Use Healing Herbs

The goal of this course/workshop is to teach participants how to plant and care for a medicinal herb garden. We will cover a variety of herbs that you can grow in your own garden, as well as how to harvest, dry and process them.

Learning Outcomes: After this workshop you will be able to identify:

· what herbs to grow in your garden
· what each herb is used for and why
· where and when to plant each herb
· when and what part of a herb to harvest
· the best preparation for use for each herb
· any unique qualities and/or possible contraindications of certain herbs

Recommended text: Pathways to Healing, by Don Ollsin. Don’s book is highly recommended as a reference text on healing herbs. It is available for purchase at

Length: 3 session
Day: 3 day 2 night
Cost: RM500.00



REFLEXOLOGY Days Total : 7 days

Total Tuition Fees: RM1700 - Students fee's include massage oils, 5 DVD’S, materials and equipment.


1. How to set up the room, chair and client

2. Natural & Infinity Touch

3. How to anoint the feet with oil

4. Give & Receive Session

5. Sharing, Questions, Evaluations

6. How to set up and give a foot bath

7. Spiral Touch

8. Long Currents & Polarity Touch

9. Give Session & Receive Session

10. Sharing, Questions, Evaluations

11. Teaching of Dynamic Touch

12. Dynamic Touch Demo

13. Therapeutic Oils Anointing

14. Give & Receive Session

15. Sharing, Questions, Evaluations

16. Teaching of Depth Touch

17. Depth Touch & Seeking Touch Demo

18. Therapeutic Oils & Touch Review in Sessions

19. Give & Receive Session

20. Sharing, Questions, Evaluations

21. Subtle Spiral Touch Teaching Demo

22. Therapeutic Oils & Touch Review in Sessions

23. Give & Receive Session

24. Sharing, Questions, Evaluations

25. Integration Creative Touch Demo

26. Therapeutic Oils & Touch Review in Sessions

27. Give & Receive Session

28. Sharing, Questions, Evaluations

29. Student gives teacher a session, teacher personally instructs



Living Food Introduction

Healing With Living Foods

Colon Cleansing, Rebounding

Indoor Gardening

Outdoor Gardening

Travel with Living Foods

Kitchen Labs



Salads & Dressings

Seed & Nut Milks, Cereals

Seed & Nut Cheeses, Yoghurts



Sauerkraut, Cultured Vegetables

Meal Plans


Beauty Care

Consultation, Taking Case Histories




New Dimensions In Herbal Healing Training Course

For health professionals, this training program features 19 audio CD's, a150-page Study Guide with discourses on advanced applications of Doc Wheelwright's herbal system, and a 350-page Desk Reference for thorough training in the applications of Wheelwright's research and Systemic Herbal Formulas including a 400-entry protocol guide.Reveals Wheelwright's secrets about how and why he created his famous herbal healing combinations, but the primary focus is on naturopathic philosophy and clinical practice, thus this course is of value to anyone interested in natural healing and herbology.You will quickly become proficient in comprehensive program design using Wheelwright's complete healing system. This program will make you a master of systemic herbology.[This training is a prerequisite for the Health Professionals' 2nd Opinion Program as well as advanced clinical seminars.] You'll learn about:* Dr. Wheelwright's research into bio-energy* Secret uses of Wheelwright's formulas* Case histories of the healing power of herbs* How to use the powerful Bio-Command formulas for PMS, Parasites, Herpes, Chronic Fatigue, Hypoglycemia, Allergies, Attention Deficit Disorder, AIDS, Liver Disfunction, Digestive Disorders, and more.This course is absolutely essential for the clinican seeking better results. These CD's contain an overview of Wheelwright's systemic formulas as well as how, why, and when to use them effectively. Includes stories and insights about Wheelwright's research and it's applications in today's clinic setting.Reviewer Dr. Bryan Moses, Beverly Hills, CA: "Recently, while driving from L.A. to Texas, I listened to the material, enthralled by the clear insights presented by Jack Tips and Timothy Kuss. Although I've worked with the Systemic formulas for over 10 years, I learned many new and effective ways to program better and be more effective in my clnical practice. If you haven't had this course, you don't know Systemic!" Note: A $200 discount is available. See the Download section of this site for more information in the NewDimensions In Herbal Healing Brochure. 19 Audio CD's in Binder, Discourse (protocols)150-pageStudy Guide350-page DeskReference$535 worth of discount coupons offered by Systemic includedPrice Each: (List $699.)On this site: $599.00


Herbal Medicine Training

What is the difference between herbal medicine training or herbal alternative medicine and Naturopathic Medicine?

An herbal medicine training program, which might include Chinese herbal medicine or herbal alternative medicine, educates solely on herbal medicine. PERLIS College of Naturopathic Medicine educates their future doctors and physicians in herbal medicine as well as many other Naturopathic or natural healing modalities. These may include homeopathy, acupuncture, botanical medicine and hydrotherapy to name a few.

What are the benefits of learning about herbal medicine?

Medicinal herbs are some of the oldest medicines in the world. Chinese herbal medicine dates back over 3,000 years. The increased use of herbal alternative medicine in recent years is evidence of public interest in herbal medicine as a healing technique. Herbal medicine continues to be a major market in the U.S. pharmacies and constitutes a multi-billion dollar industry. The rise of herbal medicine training programs and funded studies on herbal medicine and its powerful healing properties can be seen in natural health literature.

Should I pursue herbal medicine training or an education in Naturopathic Medicine?

That decision is ultimately up to you. PERLIS College of Naturopathic Medicine offers non-degree courses in herbal medicine. We believe however, that while herbal medicine is a critical part of natural medicine, ultimately a degree in Naturopathic Medicine provides students with a more well-rounded education in all of the natural healing modalities.





IRIDOLOGY education, books, DVD's, Master Iridologist study, photography, equipment, consultations, etc are provided by : School of Natural Medicine, Perlis.

Iridology is the study of the colors, patterns and structures found in the iris of the eye in relationship to the individual in their life continuum.

Body: constitutional markings reveal strengths and weaknesses, current levels of toxicity and inflammation, improvements during natural treatment, how the individual moves toward illness and aging, how stress, shock, life events and habits influence and weaken the constitutional inheritance and how it informs the iridologist to guide effective natural healing programs.

Mind: individual iris markings and the constitution reveal how each person receives, responds and reacts to the flow or inhibition of giving and receiving in intimate and social interaction, tendency toward introversion and extroversion, and the ability to deal with stress and shock.

Spirit: karmic and destiny patterns are revealed which prepare and offer support to life's challenges, traumas and wounds. The iris has thousands of nerve endings that are connected through impulses to every tissue of the body through the hypothalamus in the brain and the nervous system.

An iridologist observes the patterns found in the eyes, explains corresponding body associations, educates the individual and guides natural therapies. The iris alerts us to potential early signs of imbalance and weakness in our body/mind/spirit as well as informs us of our strengths. Clients are guided to make changes in their lives that create positive results. This remarkable communication system in the iris gives a clear and complete picture of overall health potential and provides the practitioner with the information to educate and guide health and healing programs.

TRANSFORMATIONAL IRIDOLOGY (TI) RESEARCHERS has created an approach to Iridology over the past twenty-five years that has been presented at Iridology conferences and seminars in England, USA, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand and Iceland and forms the basis of the Master Iridology programs at the School of Natural Medicine.

TI is the union of body/mind/spirit Iridology with individually attuned primal cosmic expansion and contraction rhythms that profoundly influence our constitution and inner ecology and move us forward in our personal evolution. These cosmic rhythms form the karmic iris print, the individual microcosm reflecting the macrocosmic universe.

TI enables the practitioner to compassionately and kinesthetically understand the client’s way of processing life, share valuable information and offer practical suggestions to move beyond limitation in conscious wholeness. The client is inspired to strengthen weaknesses and make the most of their strengths with natural therapies and healthy life habits. This offers profound support for self-healing and personal evolution.



Students start study at any time, before or after summer school or the self healing module. This course may be taken separately by distance students who receive a certificate of completion or as a part of the diploma program which is awarded after satisfactory completion of the course, self healing, summer school, clinical training and case studies. REFER TO PROSPECTUS for further details and discounts

Lesson One - History and Philosophy:
Atlantean, Ayurvedic, Chinese, Buddhist, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Islamic, European, North American Indian, physiomedical & present day discoveries such as herbal crystals.

Lesson Two - Chemistry:
Ideology, religion, mythological fertility, and nature's pharmacy, scientific chemistry, growth, natural selection, climate, soil, senses, cycles, active principles, collecting, harvesting, storage, astrology, plant use, extraction, drugs, organic, inorganic.

Lesson Three - Nutrition:
"Food as Medicine" Optimum foods, healing diets, fasting, longevity. "Food as Poison" poor eating habits, food combining, effects of emotions, constipation, hot and cold, acid/alkaline, liquids, social habits, traveling, additives, pollution, alcohol, utensils, caffeine, chocolate, eggs, meat, fish, flour, irradiated food, oils, pesticides, pollution, salt, sugar, canned foods, tobacco. Addictions and cure.

Lesson Four - Herbal Formulas:
Creating formulas, prescription symbols, abbreviations and measuring terminology. Organization of formulas according to different criteria. Herbal therapies. Herbs to avoid in pregnancy,

Lesson Five & Six - HERBAL Materia Medica:
Cosmic Holotrophic Herbalism. 100 herbs: action, active ingredients, activity, applications, aromatherapy, astrology, Ayurveda, cautions, contraindications, chakras, elements and emotions, Chinese medicine, combinations, cultivation, dosage, energetics, flower essences, formulas, habitat, history, homeopathy, meridians, organs, names, nutrients, part used, personality, plant description, research, spiritual properties, substitutions, systems, taste, tissues, wildcrafting and preparation.

Based on Thibb Nabawi and other materia medica developed by Muslim's scholar in ancient age (during the period of Chaliph till 1934). Materia medica in modern age. Relation with spiritual healing.

Lesson Eight - Body Systems:
Development of holistic and holotropic perceptions, exploration of body/mind/spirit influences, acupuncture, polarity therapy, zone therapy, astrology; herbs, treatment, formulas, vitamins and minerals for body systems, organs & glands.

Lesson Nine - Botany:
Systems for the naming and identifying plants, collecting and preparing herbarium specimens. Plant classification appendix. Illustrated.

Lesson Ten - Herbal Pharmacy/Dispensary I:
How to set up and administrate a pharmacy. Dosage. Methods of herbal application.

Lesson Eleven - Herbal Pharmacy/Dispensary II:
First aid treatment. Acute conditions, bites, wounds, accidents. Applications include fomentation's, infusions, ointments, ovules, pill making, poultices, plasters, powders, smoking herbs, snuff and nasal herbs, suppositories, syrups, tinctures. Drug substitution. Iatrogenic drug induced disease. Travel. Products.

Lesson Twelve - Herbs & Healing:
Bach Flower Remedies, aromatherapy, homeopathy, hand and foot baths, pendulums, pulsors, psychological information on the effect of emotions on health, herbs to use for healing body/mind/spirit. Effects of meditation and affirmations for health and healing.




KOS : RM 1500.00








KOS : RM 500.00



Tuesday, November 6, 2007



PAKMUT Max Libido Extra Strength - for low male sex drive

Supercharge your sex drive!
PAKMUT Max Libido is our most popular, highest-reviewed male aphrodisiac.

  • Boost your sex drive
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Order Max Libido and boost your sex drive NOW! Bottle = 60 capsules (one month's supply)In Stock: Yes

Price: 1 bottle RM 60.00 (NOT INCLUDE POSTAL CHARGES)


Herbal Aphrodisiac: Supercharges Male Sex Drive and Libido!
PAKMUT Max Libido is a carefully crafted blend of premium herbs that boosts a low male sex drive. Designed and perfected by doctors, PAKMUT Max Libido is guaranteed to improve your sex life… while actually being good for you.
A daily supplement, Max Libido’s effects are long-lasting. Once you’ve taken this male aphrodisiac for a while, you don’t have to wait for it to start working… and you never have to worry about it wearing off. With Max Libido, you’ll always be ready!

How PAKMUT Max Libido will affect your sex drive

You may notice an increased sex drive almost right away. But it sometimes takes a few days for Max Libido’s effects to start kicking in. (To speed it up, you can safely double the dosage for the first week.) Once Max Libido starts working, you’ll notice a marked increase in your sex drive. You’ll get aroused more easily, and your erections will be harder.

After a couple of weeks, you’ll have even more sexual energy. Your sex drive will return to its youthful state. You’ll get turned on more easily, and you’ll enjoy longer sexual sessions.
Keep taking Max Libido and a within a couple of months, you will experience sexual sensations like never before. You’ll get hard quickly and easily… and stay hard for extended periods of time. Once it fully kicks in, Max Libido actually helps prolong orgasms – making lovemaking an even more exhilarating experience!

Try PAKMUT Max Libido male aphrodisiac for a month or two. We guarantee you’ll come back for more!

Customer Testimonials on PAKMUT Max Libido
"A friend suggested I check out your site and try Max Libido. I swear this stuff changed my life. I experienced a profound change in my energy levels and in the quality of my erections and orgasms. It is amazing! I am now in my third month, and I feel great. My erections last longer. I am constantly horny. My wife and I are really enjoying the benefits."

"My body feels great, and I get turned on very easily. I wish I had known about this male aphrodisiac years ago."

"Order PAKMUT Max Libido and boost your sex drive NOW!

Dosage and Directions

This male aphrodisiac is in capsule form, and is often recommended by alternative doctors as a safe alternative to chemical products for treatment of low male sex drive.
Take 2 pills in the evening or in the morning (with meals), or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. To more quickly increase your sex drive, you may take 2 pills both in the morning and the evening or night for the first week.
Each bottle contains a 1 month supply.

Eurycoma Longifolia, Smilax Mysitiflora, Libido herbs etc.

When used as directed, PAKMUT Max Libido should increase your sex drive with no side effects. However, you need to exercise caution if you have high blood pressure, heart problems, kidney problems, anxiety and panic attacks. If you are currently taking any medications or are being treated for a medical condition please consult with your doctor first.

PLEASE TAKE PLENTY OF WATER (AT LEAST 10 GLASS PER DAY). Discontinue use if you have an adverse reaction. For treatment of low male libido in adults only. Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Store at 15C - 30C (59F - 86F) controlled room temperature. Do not freeze. Expiration date not longer than 3 years from date of manufacturing.

012-485 6083











Please note: The herbal and health information provided in this Web Site is intended as historical information only. It is based on the personal experiences of medicinal herbs users.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases. Nothing in this Web Site should be considered as medical advice for dealing with a given medical problem. You should consult your health care professional for individual guidance for specific health problems, especially if you have a serious medical condition. It can be dangerous to mix medicinal herb products with prescription drugs. It can be dangerous to stop taking a prescription drug without consulting with your health care professional. If you are under professional health care, consult your provider before either stopping prescribed medications or adding medicinal herbs. (Photos on this web page by Hal or Cat Farneman unless otherwise noted.) On this page we are going to discuss a few herbs that are good remedies for illnesses such as colds and flu, and relief of the symptoms that come with these illnesses. Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon angustifolium), Other names: Mountain Balm, Holy Herb, Bear Plant, Saint's Herb, Indian Chewing Gum. Yerba Santa is a great upper respiratory herb. It has a resinous coating and is aromatic. Use as a tea or tincture for coughs, lung and sinus congestion and infused in oil for muscle and chest rubs. In order to infuse Yerba Santa into oil you must first sprinkle it with alcohol to dissolve the resins. Drink the tea hot to induce sweating to break a fever. Inhale the steam from the hot tea to clear sinus and chest congestion. It thins mucous and is useful as an expectorant, decongestant and bronchial dilator for chest colds, bronchitis, asthma, sinus infections and hay fever. The resin complex and phenols in Yerba Santa make it useful for mild bladder and urethra infections. Since these properties are only partially water soluble, an alcohol tincture is preferable, twenty to thirty drops in water several times per day. Yerba Santa has no specific toxicities in moderate doses and up to an ounce of the leaves can be used to make a tea or infusion to drink in one day. It is safe for children, using one half of the normal adult dose. The leaves can also be used in a vaporizor to relief congestion.Inhaling smoke from Yerba Santa leaves is useful to calm mild bronchial spasms. Burning a Yerba Santa smudge can be used to warm up trigger points, espeically on the hands and feet. This will give relief from headache and muscle spasms. The fresh leaves make a pleasant and tasty chewing gum, bitter and balsamic at first, with a sweet aftertaste which freshens the mouth and breath. Yerba Santa's medicinal properties are strongest right after blooming, either in late spring or after a drought-breaking rain has brought out new foliage. Use the leaves either fresh or dried. Gather by breaking off branches full of leaves. Spread out the branches or hang them individually to dry. If you leave the branches clumped together in a bag or box, the resin on the tops of the leaves will glue the leaves together so you will end up with a black, sticky, unusable mass. Once dried, the resin is no longer a problem. When using fresh leaves for tea or tincture, cut them into small pieces with scissors or a knife, then use alcohol to clean the resin build up from the utencil. If dried leaves are being used, simply crumble them into small pieces. For smoking, it is best to use the mature leaves that are starting to dry and turn yellow around the edges and are almost ready to fall off, found near the base of large stems and the main trunk of the bush. (Refer to Moore, Michael, Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West, Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, revised 2003.)DIAMOND WILLOW FUNGUS (Haploporous odoratus) Also known as the Migraine Mushroom.Traditional Uses by First Nation Peoples of Canada:The Diamond Willow fungus is collected in the woods, far north of Vancouver, B.C. It is burned in evening to keep "spirits" away from the home. A traditional use is breathing the smoke from the fungus to relieve headaches. It is burned like incense. Its aroma is like a woodsy, pleasantly sweet patchouli. The smoke from the Diamond Willow fungus also keeps mosquitoes away, a natural alternative to chemicals. My experience with the Diamond Willow Fungus:I was introduced to the Diamond Willow Fungus by a man from Canada who noticed I was exhibiting symptoms of an intense migraine headache during one of the days I was attending a primitive skills camp. At first I was reluctant to try it because it involved breathing in smoke from the fungus and I knew nothing about its use or possible side effects. When I finally decided to try it, the man lit the piece of dried fungus with a lighter, let it burn for about a minute, then blew out the flame and instructed me to take four or five good breaths of the smoke. I did this and found that neither the odor nor the effect of it was unpleasant. After about five minutes I felt some of the migraine pain beginning to subside. After about ten minutes most of the pain was releasing. At the end of fifteen minutes, all my symptoms were gone, including the “aura” around the edges of my vision, my left eyelid opened, the nausea went completely away, and I could tolerate light and sound without extreme discomfort. It was as if I had never had the migraine and I felt no side effects either from the migraine headache (which normally left me feeling ill for several days) or from breathing the smoke of the fungus. I had been experiencing very bad migraine headaches since I was a teenager, usually suffering many every year. As I used the Diamond Willow Fungus for subsequent migraines, the frequency of the migraines decreased, giving me a longer time between headaches each time. I have now gone three years without a significant migraine headache. This is a miracle in my life and I am very grateful to that man who introduced me to the Diamond Willow Fungus. As I have shared the use of this Diamond Willow Fungus with other people, many who have tried it experienced the same headache relief that I did. For some it did not relieve all of the symptoms, but did relieve the worse pain. Some people tell me it works well for stress headaches that are not migraine related. Many women and teenage girls have told me that breathing the smoke from this Diamond Willow Fungus relieved menstrual cramps. —

Cat Farneman, St. George, Utah



The human body is made up of cells. In a healthy body these cells divide at a certain rate so that they can replace dying cells and aid in the repair of damaged tissues. If these cells divide at a rate which is too fast, a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor is formed. It is not known what causes the body’s cells to become damaged. However, there seems to be mounting evidence that oxidation or free radical damage seems to damage the cell’s membrane. This damage can initiate the cancer process. The possible causative factors to the development and growth of cancer can be divided into three categories – internal, external and lifestyle. • Internal factors may include genetic composition and infections. • External factors may include exposure to water and air pollution, unhealthy work environments, chemicals, pesticides and herbicides. • Lifestyle factors may include poor diet, stress, high alcohol consumption, smoking and too much sun exposure. Dietary Advice: • Reduce consumption of foods that contain natural carcinogens, as they may increase the risk of cancer, e.g., smoked, pickled or barbequed food. • Reduce the intake of fat or deep-fried foods. Cancers associated with high fat foods are breast, colon and prostrate cancer. • Eat fish at least 3 times per week. Including salmon, cod, mackerel, sardines and tuna. • Increase consumption of green vegetables and complex carbohydrates e.g. whole grain cereals and organic fruit and vegetables that are in season. • Garlic, shiitake mushrooms, champignons and ginseng contain Germanium, which seems to have a positive effect on cancer cells. • Check for food sensitivities. Many cancer patients are allergic or intolerant to milk and wheat. • Avoid smoking, tea, coffee, sugar and alcohol. • Increase foods high in zinc. These include pumpkin seeds, oysters, sunflower seeds, ginger and whole grains. • Increase foods high in selenium. These include oysters, mackerel, cashews, whole grain cereals, garlic and alfalfa. • Increase foods high in Vitamin A and Beta-carotene. These include apricots, mint, carrots, green leafy vegetables, spinach, dandelion greens, sweet potato and parsley. • Increase foods high in magnesium. These include almonds, cashews, soy beans, parsnips and wholegrain cereals. • Increase food high in Vitamin E includes wheat germ and its oils, sunflower seeds and its oils, almonds, sweet potato and leafy vegetables. • Do not eat poultry or beef that has come from hormonally treated animals. It is best to eliminate meat if possible and instead obtain moderate protein from plant sources such as green leafy vegetables, potatoes, sprouted seeds, grains, nuts and tofu. • Increase foods high in vitamin D, these include tuna, cod, herring and sprouted seeds. • Avoid any fruit that has been sprayed or treated with pesticides. Organic is best if possible. • Avoid saturated, cholesterol-rich animal fats including butter. These should be replaced with a moderate use of genuine cold pressed vegetable oils including sunflower seed oil, flaxseed oil, soybean oil or safflower oil. Try to avoid heating oils, as they can become rancid and damage cells. • Eat foods that have been found to be cancer protective. These include cabbage, broccoli, green pepper, eggplant, shallots, pineapple, apples, ginger, mint leaf, wheat, sprouts, lettuce, spinach and mustard greens. Most of these vegetables should be eaten raw or lightly steamed. • Do not eat any food that is contaminated with mould. Avoid all yeast foods including Vegemite, Promite, Bonox and Yeast powder. • It is best if possible to aim for an 80 per cent raw food diet. • Increase consumption of fibre rich foods and whole grain cereals, as they promote the production of butyric acid in the intestine. Reduce salt intake and increase potassium rich foods. These include all vegetables, citrus fruit, apricots, banana, potato, nuts, sardines, herring, avocado, sunflower seeds. • Include garlic in the diet due to its natural anti-biotic properties. • Nuts that are beneficial include almonds and walnuts. Peanuts should be avoided. • Include fermented foods such as Pawpaw leaf extract, sour kraut and apple vinegar. Juicing: The purpose of juicing is to normalize all the vital body processes, revitalize the liver and other digestive organs, cleanse the whole body of accumulated toxins, restore the digestive and assimilative functions of the stomach, intestinal tract , and in general, increase the body’s protective and healing capacity. Short bursts of cleansing fasts on raw vegetable and fruit juices are recommended. Beetroot juice 100ml should be consumed daily. Other good juices include carrot, celery, leafy green vegetables, lemon and all dark coloured juices. Good fruit juices include apple and pineapple particularly. Of the fresh fruit and vegetable juices, approximately 6 cups should be consumed daily. The peel of oranges and celery seed oil contains limonene, which may be beneficial. Other Useful Tips: Meditation Visualisation Relaxation Affirmations 2 Natural Health – S.A.F.E products which may be useful to support the body through cancer. Green Barley Powder or Green Barley Plus – These products contain many high quality nutrients that are required by the body for correct cell division and function. Green Barley is a complete grown living food that has a comprehensive range of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Take up to 10-12 teaspoons per day. Start with one teaspoon per day and slowly build up. Paw Paw Leaf Extract – Contains a range of vitamins and minerals. It also has natural antibiotic properties, improves digestion and has anti-cancer properties. Start on 30ml 3 times per day. Oxygen-8 – Replenishes oxygen levels in the body. Healthy cells are rich in oxygen, cancerous cells cannot grow or thrive in an oxygen rich environment. Take 5 drops in 250ml water 3 times a day. Olive Leaf Extract- Used over many years and is renown for its anti-viral, anti- bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. It also aids to strengthen the immune system. Take 20mls 3 times per day. Citramin – Citramin is a liquid product that contains many minerals that the body requires for healing, promoting growth and assisting the chemical pathways in the body. Take 10ml 2 times per day. Coral Calcium- Alkalises the body. Cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Take 2 capsules or half teaspoon 2 times per day. Other 2 Natural Health SAFE products that may be of benefit include: Shark Cartilage, Co-Enzyme Q10, Vitamin C and Mineral Powder, Supa-C, Microfoods and Omega Complex.

Reference: Cancer Information and Support Society – Sydney Australia. SAFE Naturopath – Leonie Shrimpton, BHSc. Adv. Dip.Naturopathy


Herbal Fibre Formula is an advanced natural herbal fibre product that does not contain laxatives or Cascara, which can be habit forming. Contains psyllium seeds husks, biodynamic brown rice and a range of herbs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. A high fibre food, with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients formulated to replace deficiencies in the diet caused by over-processed foods. SERVING SUGGESTIONS:1-2 teaspoonsful may be mixed in fruit or vegetable juice and consumed as meals. Alternatively may be sprinkled over cereal or other foods. Drink plenty of water. CONTENTS: Psyllium husk, Brown Rice, Glycine, Lecithin, L-Glutamine, Apple Fibbre, Inulin, Magnesium Chelate, Dandelion, Liquorice root, Marshmellow root, Slippery Elm Bark, Vitamin B1, Violet Leaf, Black Walnut Hull, Alfalfa, Red Sorell, Globe Artichoke, Vitamin C, Mullien Leaf, Passionflower, Horsetail, Yukka, Lemon Trusil, Vitamin B6, Zinc Chelate, Capsicum Red Fruit, Paparika, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12. Disclaimers: **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Alfalfa is a legume which is capable of extending its root system 8 metres, reaching into the sub-soils for minerals. The ash of Alfalfa contains 99% available calcium and has an alkalising effect on the body and the digestive system. Legumes are typically rich in minerals and protein, providing a good range of amino acids. In ages past the Arabians noticed their horses reached peak fitness on this plant, so consumed it themselves hence the name Al-fal-fa "Father of all foods". Alfalfa is high in calcium, protein, carbohydrate and chlorophyll giving bone and muscle integrity and high energy. SERVING SUGGESTIONS: 1-2 teaspoonsful may be sprinkled onto Cereal, Salad or other cold foods, used in cold Sauces or Salad Dressings or may be blended with Honey or shaken in chilled liquid. CONTENTS: 100% Powdered Alfalfa Plant using natural farming methods. Don't underestimate the power of Alfalfa!. What is the most universal food fed to horses, which are required to work hard all day? No - it is not a big thick cheese sandwich! Of course, it is Alfalfa ( better known as lucerne ) that we generally choose to feed them for sheer power, energy and muscle integrity. What contributes to muscle integrity? We know the answer to this is calcium! Calcium is integral in strengthening muscles. Alfalfa contains calcium in copious quantities due to its deep root characteristics, which seek out minerals from the sub-soils. Calcium combines with other minerals in the Alfalfa and, also, helps build a strong skeletal system. What makes the energy? The complex carbohydrate from the young fibre in the leaves, and also the high levels of iron in Alfalfa which carry oxygen efficiently to the muscle via the haemoglobin, both contributing to sustainable energy levels. Also, the unusually high level of potassium makes this wonderful green powderdeal for sports people and those who live life in the fast lane. What about protein? Dead protein formulas are pushed at us for miscle building and energy. Instead take a look at Alfalfa with its living protein levels of 660mg per teaspoonful; combine that with High Protein Formula and you have the best energy and protein cocktail that money can buy without compromising your wallet or your enzyme production calabilities! With all this potential activity taking place, ones mind may stray to thoughts of sore muscles and joints. Don,t worry - Alfalfa contains excellent levels of chlorophyll, which is a known anti-flammatory agent